Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Aims of the school

Tweedmouth West school places children instinctively at the heart of decision making and leadership thinking at all levels. As a result, all agendas, structures, budgets and systems are deliberately designed around the flourishing of our children.
We strive for academic excellence as central to a flourishing childhood, but it is not the full story – the moral, spiritual, cultural and relational development of pupils offers a broader, more expansive vision of what education is for.
Whilst learning involves acquiring knowledge and refining skills, it is the deepening of wisdom that truly demonstrates flourishing, through ethical thinking and  character development. Flourishing children are equipped, resourced and empowered to see the future through eyes full of hope, developing the potential to transform a world that their teachers cannot yet imagine.
Such hope is propelled forward by flourishing in community – learners who live a good life in each classroom and corridor. Flourishing can only happen when each and every child is treated with dignity – for they are of unique and inherent worth. Therefore they are to be loved unconditionally, enabled ambitiously, supported compassionately and championed relentlessly.
Our school provides:
  • A broad, balanced and creative curriculum adapted for ambition and inclusion for all.
  • A wide range of opportunities to develop enquiring minds, independence and the love of lifelong learning.
  • Opportunities for children to be creative and critical thinkers in order to reflect upon their learning and deepen their understanding.
  • A culture of excellence in Oracy to value every voice, elevate learning and enhance presentation skills
  • A safe, well ordered learning environment, both in the classroom and outdoors, which promotes a sense of belonging, self-respect, self-control, respect for the feelings and property of others and positive attitudes to life.
  • Opportunities for the development and understanding of their own religion and culture, and that of others.
  • An understanding and appreciation of human achievement in all its forms.
  • An understanding of citizenship so that pupils can think globally, value diversity and promote community cohesion.