Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

#WakeUpWednesday: What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Persuasive Design Online

What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Persuasive Design Online

What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Persuasive Design Online

Apps and sites are all competing for our attention over the years, numerous strategies have been developed which are intended to influence users’ behaviour – making us more likely to remain on a site, game or platform for longer periods of time. These techniques are known as ‘persuasive design’ and can have a particularly profound effect on children and young people 


Despite these tactics’ evident effectiveness, there are still plenty of ways to help prevent yourself (and your child) from being psychologically swayed. This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide breaks down the potential risks posed by persuasive design online – and offers some top tips for recognising and reducing its impact on young people’s decision making.


Grab our new guide below!