Halloween Party – School Fundraiser
Friday 25th October
£3.50 entry
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 at 4-5pm
Year 3 & Year 4 at 5-6pm
Entry price included – Hotdog, crisps & a biscuit – Party Games with prizes (all children will take a prize home)
Own clothes or fancy dress can be worn (NO MASKS please)
Tickets for the event can be paid for on the parentmail app, available to purchase under Payments – Shop – Halloween Disco. You can also pay by cash, please hand a named envelop into the school office.
Parents will be asked to drop off and pick up at the end. The event will be run by staff and parent helpers.
Children should be collected at 3.15pm and taken home to change for the party. Children going to Tigers and then onto the party can get changed during Tigers and will move onto the party at the allocated time. Tweed Tigers should be booked and paid for as normal.
If you have any questions about this please get in touch.
Thank you
Mrs Hodgson