Governing Body
Governors hold regular meetings at least once a term; they discuss national and local issues and the general management and leadership of the school. Each governor is appointed for four years and when the period of office expires for a parent governor then nominations and elections will be organised as appropriate, and all parents will be notified.
Mrs J Dalrymple
Mrs J Anderson
Mrs J Newton
Mrs H Hodgson
Mrs L Mole
Mrs C Richards
Mrs A Deakin
Mrs J Riley
Mrs E Scambler
Mr P Virtue
Mr G Garland
Karen Carnaffin (School Support Officer)
Membership: The Committee shall consist of [3+] Governors.
Carly Richards (Chair), Angela Deakin (SEN), Julie Newton, Lynne Mole, Joanne Anderson (Safeguarding/Deputy Head), Jacq Dalrymple (Head),
Quorum: The quorum must be three governors or 50% of the committee whichever is greater.
Chair: Agreed by the committee - Carly Richards.
Clerk: To be appointed by the committee.
Frequency of meetings: As required but no less than once each term.
Annually review the curriculum for approval by the governing board ensuring it is compliant with statutory requirements
Ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils regardless of ability, age, sex or ethnicity.
Consider complaints relating to the curriculum and to advise the governing body or Hearing Body
Annually review the School Improvement Plan and advise the Governing Body on priorities for the key areas.
Consider pupil progress data on at least a termly basis. Consider any external reports [e.g. SIP/OFSTED] on pupil progress
Monitor progress of SEND pupils & ensure policies etc are compliant/fit for purpose.
Monitor progress of disadvantaged pupils
Analyse data relating to the school’s performance and to agree targets for pupil achievement.
Monitor and evaluate pupil progress, in all subjects and to review regularly subject policies.
Undertake a cyclical review of all school policies; agreeing changes and making recommendations to the governing body in areas that may not be delegated.
Membership: The Committee shall consist of [3+] Governors.
Present: Julie Riley (Chair), Ellen Scambler (H&S), Hannah Hodgson, Carly Richards, Jacq Dalrymple (Head), Julie Newton (E-Safety)
Quorum: The quorum must be three governors or 50% of committee whichever is greater
Chair: Agreed by the committee: Julie Riley
Clerk: To be appointed by the committee.
Frequency of meetings: As required but no less than once each term.
Set the annual budget for the school & present to the full Board for approval
Maintain a three-year financial plan, informed by the school’s vision and priorities
Make recommendations annually to the governing body on a three year financial strategy, having particular regard to the School Improvement Plan.
Consider financial benchmarking & inform the full Board of any significant issues.
Ensure appropriate advice is sought before entering into contracts, in line with the LEA’s financial regulations.
Authorise the virement of funds between budgets and inform the County Council.
Approve arrangements for the audit of funds received other than from the L.A.
Advise the governing body on any matters arising from the audit of the school’s accounts and School Financial Value Standards.
Monitor the budget at least once a term and advise the governing body as necessary on financial matters.
Agree with the Head Teacher, expenditure on capital projects not falling within the planned budget.
Authorise signatories for the school bank account.
With the Head determine the levels of charges for lettings.
Advise the governing body on any issues arising from financial matters.
Appointments of staff other than the Head (full governing body duty) except where delegated to the Head.
Reviewing the staffing structure of the school whenever necessary.
Consider staff wellbeing on an ongoing basis and monitor staff absence rates
Select a Hearing body of 3 from members of the committee to consider applications from staff for secondments, extended leave etc., that the Head feels are necessary to refer to the Governing Body
Hear and determine sanctions, suspensions and dismissals in cases that are referred to the Governing Body under the Governing Body’s procedures (Hearing Body).
Consider applications for early retirement and redundancy.
Consider recommendations for performance pay progression and appropriate remuneration under the whole school pay policy (starting salaries determined at appointment).
Working with Head/SLT monitor Health & Safety in the school
Make recommendations to the governing Body on capital works and improvements;
Prepare an annual programme of repairs, maintenance and decoration;
Security of the school premises and fire safety measures, including alarm systems and fire drills;
To oversee arrangements for grounds maintenance and the requirements of the environmental Protection Act 1990 concerning litter and refuse.
Review the use of exclusion within the school.