Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Tweed Tigers Users- Please read

Good afternoon,

Thank you all for taking the changes to Tweed Tigers in your stride, changing the time slots and registers has been a big job this end but I think we are getting there now.


As we continue with the new arrangements please can we ask:


  • All children must be booked in for Tweed Tigers, if you miss the deadline for the parentmail form you must call the school office to confirm the booking.
  • Please read the top of the weekly parentmail form which has details of the new time slots, these are now 4, 4.30, 5, 5.30 and 6pm. Allowing half hour pick ups is great for parents but proving tricky to manage when parents are turning up in between time slots. We are working on a more seamless system for this but in the meantime please try and stick to the new times.

Thank you again for supporting us as we move forward and try to develop our Out of Hours Childcare, this is something we know is invaluable to our working parents which is why we continue to look at ways to improve our offer to you.


Mrs Hodgson